Muscle Mayhem: Exploring the Clash of Volume Training and Time Under Tension

When it comes to hypertrophy training, the pursuit of muscle size and growth, two prominent methods have sparked an ongoing debate within the fitness community: volume training and "time under tension" training. Each approach has its fervent supporters and touted benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the arguments for and against these two concepts, backed by scientific studies, to help you make an informed decision on which approach aligns best with your goals.

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Joseph Lucero
Lifting Spirits: How Whiskey Became the Unexpected Sidekick of Deadlifts

In the world of strength training, athletes are constantly seeking ways to optimize their performance and gain an edge over the competition. While the consumption of alcohol is generally discouraged for athletes due to its negative effects on physical performance and health, an article titled "Whiskey & Deadlifts" by powerlifter Chris Duffin suggests that small, properly timed doses of whiskey could have potential benefits for deadlift performance.

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Joseph Lucero
The Power of Yelling - Increasing Your Power Output!

Have you ever heard of kiai? It's a Japanese word that means "energy shout" and is often used in martial arts to focus and channel energy. But what if I told you that yelling during a workout could also improve your performance and help you to tap into your full power potential? 

That's right, yelling during a workout may seem like a strange concept, but it's actually rooted in the ancient practice of kiai, and it has been shown to have numerous benefits.

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Joseph Lucero
Effects of Mental Preparation on Performance!

Disclaimer - I wrote this paper during my graduate career at the University of Texas at San Antonio back in 2012-2014. Although references in this article pertain to powerlifting and weightlifting, it can apply to other strength sports or traditional sports as well. Mental preparation is key!

Introduction - The term “powerlifting” can be broken down into two components: strength and speed. In order to conquer any feat in the world of competitive weightlifting, it requires the manifestation of strength and speed to defy the odds.

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Joseph Lucero
Your CNS isn't fried, stop making excuses!

I think one of the more cringe worthy things I have noticed is that when someone tries to steal the squat rack only to do bicep curls. ARE YOU SERIOUS! Taking up a fine piece of equipment to engorge your biceps to only satisfy your peers for a short window of time? The pump doesn't last forever! But besides this crisis, the next thing that is frustrating to listen to is the loosely defined concept of having a fatigued CNS....central nervous system.

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Joseph Lucero
Want Bigger Arms? DO CHIN UPS!

It’s very common for people to identify arm training with the elbow joint. The elbow joint is a hinge joint, and if you aren’t too familiar with biomechanics, this type of joint has the most limiting range of motion of all. It primarily allows us to perform motion in one plane of movement. To simplify, think of another hinging motion you witness on a daily basis - opening a door. The door is built on hinges, and when you open the door, it moves either forwards or backwards, just like the elbow does. In this case, it means arm training only goes forwards,backwards, up and down… right? If that’s the case, what in the hell are we doing sitting here and discussing arm training in depth!?

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Joseph Lucero